Mary Kate Ryan has served as the State Survey Coordinator with the New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources (SHPO) since 2008. Besides working with architectural history survey and the state register, she works with community planning, energy code and conservation issues, and climate change and disaster planning.
As part of a small seminar on culture, justice, and climate change at UNH, she is one of the authors of The Resilience of Race: A Cultural Sustainability Manifesto, published by Resilience in 2014.
That experience led to additional research into the importance of place and culture in disaster response and community resilience.
Mary Kate is a graduate of the University of Oregon’s art history program, with a focus on architectural history and preservation.
Prior to moving east, she was the National Register coordinator and architectural historian at the State Historical Society of North Dakota (also SHPO). She also teaches a class in sustainability and preservation for the Plymouth State University graduate historic preservation program.