Dr. Jennifer Jurado is Broward County’s Chief Resilience Officer and Director of the Environmental Planning and Community Resilience Division where she oversees county-wide climate resiliency initiatives, water resource policy and planning, environmental monitoring, shoreline protection and marine resources programs. She has been a key figure in the advancement of multi-jurisdictional initiatives with a focus on sustainable water resource management, sea level rise adaptation planning, and progressive policy initiatives. Her efforts today are largely focused on holistic adaptation through planning, regulation, and infrastructure retrofit. Dr. Jurado played a lead role in the organization and advancement of the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact, a four-county collaboration focused on regional climate mitigation and adaptation strategies, and co-leads the Compact’s water resources and economic resilience work groups. She currently serves on the board of directors for the American Society of Adaptation Professionals and the American Geophysical Union’s Thriving Earth Exchange. Dr. Jurado is a graduate of the University of Miami, with a B.S. in Marine Science and Biology, and a Ph.D. in Marine Biology and Fisheries.