Tori Tomiczek

Tori Tomiczek


Tori Tomiczek is an Assistant Professor at the United States Naval Academy. She earned a B.S. in Civil Engineering at the University of Florida, a PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences at the University of Notre Dame, and completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Oregon State University before joining the Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering Department at USNA. She has participated in multiple field reconnaissance surveys evaluating damage and recovery in New Jersey (Hurricane Sandy, 2012), the Philippines (Typhoon Hagupit, 2014), North Carolina (Hurricane Matthew, 2016), and Florida (Hurricane Irma, 2017). She has enjoyed working on large-scale experiments at Kyoto University, Oregon State University, and USNA, measuring wave-induced pressures and forces on idealized structures. She hopes to improve the understanding of wave-induced forces on coastal structures to inform design guidance as well as finding creative wave attenuation methods including nature-based features and hybrid systems.

All sessions by Tori Tomiczek


2:30 pm-3:15 pm
Casa Monica Ballroom