Rod has over 25 years of contracting experience specializing in flood damage recovery and historic structures rehabilitation. Rod’s historic building experiences not only include rehabilitation, but also include grant writing for rehab projects, serving as a Governor appointed Trustee of the State Historical Society of Iowa and as chair of a county and community historic commission. In 2009, he traveled to Louisiana to assist in the start-up of a flood hazard mitigation/elevation company. The company eventually elevated over 1,500 of the over 36,000 homes now elevated in Louisiana.
In 2014 Rod became a Certified Floodplain Manager – CFM and has conducted flood hazard mitigation outreach programs for the victims of Irma, Sandy and Harvey. In 2014 Rod won the ASFPM National Flood Proofing Award for the industry supported “Elevation 101” program. In 2018 Rod helped the International Association of Structural Movers publish the “Steps to Elevation – STE” for property owners. In June of 2019 Rod and other leaders in the flood mitigation industry formed the non-profit Flood Mitigation Industry Association-FMIA. In April of 2020 Rod led a team to produce the “Home Raising Academy” a pilot HUD Resiliency project in Norfolk, VA. Rod has assisted multiple property owners access historic tax credit programs for rehab and flood mitigation/adaptation projects.