Kathryn M. Kuranda

Senior Vice President, Goodwin & Associates

Kathryn M. Kuranda

Senior Vice President, Goodwin & Associates
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Kathryn M. Kuranda directs the nationwide architectural history and history programs at R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, Inc. and serves as both the technical representative and Principal in charge of built resource investigations.

Ms. Kuranda specializes in complex investigations for heritage resource documentation, evaluation, and treatment. She also has practiced experience in local historic preservation programs, public outreach, and innovative mitigation strategies.

She has extensive experience in the execution of large-scale architectural surveys, nominations to the National Register of Historic Places, Certified Historic Rehabilitation projects (Parts I-III), and nationwide documentation and mitigation projects pursuant to Program Comments through the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP).

Ms. Kuranda serves currently as technical lead for a large scale project providing support to the Connecticut State Historic Preservation Office to address its current preservation priorities and in facilitating alternative mitigation strategies to identify historic and potential historic resources that may be threatened by future disasters and long-term climate and sea-level change, including development of elevation guidelines for historic buildings.

Ms. Kuranda holds degrees in American Studies from Dickinson College (B.A.) and in Architectural History from the University of Virginia (M. Arch. Hist.), where she was a Thomas Jefferson Fellow.