January Tavel

January Tavel


January Tavel is a historic preservation specialist and qualified as an historian and architectural historian under the Professional Qualification Standards of the U.S. Secretary of the Interior (36 C.F.R. § 61). She applies professional cultural resource management and historic preservation expertise in service to public and private clients, with specialized experience in the transportation sector. In addition to helping her clients successfully navigate environmental compliance and preservation planning processes, January coordinates an interdisciplinary collaboration among ICF technical specialists who integrate cultural resource management and climate change adaptation. She has worked with federal, state, and local agencies, as well as national, regional, and local non-profit organizations to address the challenges of climate resilience within the context of preservation planning considerations. On behalf of ICF and in partnership with the National Trust for Historic Preservation, she authored the 2017 Heritage Preservation and Climate Change Survey Findings and Recommendations Report. She has been invited to speak about her work at more than a dozen events, including national conferences, such as the 2020 National Association of Environmental Professionals Conference, 2019 National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, Transportation Research Board, Second International Conference on Transportation System Resilience to National Hazards and Extreme Weather in Washington, DC,  2017 National Adaptation Forum in St. Paul, MN, and 2017 National Trust for Historic Preservation PastForward Conference in Chicago, IL.

All sessions by January Tavel