Dale Morris

Dale Morris


Dale Morris 
Senior Economist Advisor 
Royal Netherlands Embassy Washington, DC.

Dale Morris directs the Dutch Government’s Water Management efforts in the United States, in particular in Louisiana, Florida, California, Virginia and, more recently, New York and New Jersey. This work is focused on broad “sustainability” topics: flood protection and flood risk mitigation, coastal and floodplain restoration, ecosystem resiliency, urban adaptation, urban water management, and landscape design for risk reduction and environmental/public amenity.

Morris is a co-director of Dutch Dialogues, member of various water-management advisory boards and steering committees in New Orleans and Washington. Morris also provides economic and political analyses of U.S. macro-economic developments, monitors fiscal and monetary policy, US federal budget, tax and appropriations policies, and is a long-standing member of the Embassy’s Pension Advisory Board and its Integrity Panel. Morris previously served as Legislative Director and Press Secretary to two Members of the U.S. Congress, served in the US Air Force, and is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Virginia.

All sessions by Dale Morris

Breakout Session 3
International and NGOs

9:00 am-10:30 am
Annapolis Waterfront Hotel