Panel #6 | Administrative Tactics

Panel #6 | Administrative Tactics

Session chair: Edward Sanderson, Executive Director and State Historic Preservation Officer for Rhode Island

Dan Nees | Environment Finance Center, University of Maryland & Joanne Throwe | Deputy Secretary, Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Innovation in Resiliency Financing

Mary Kate Ryan | State Survey Coordinator, New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources
Heritage and Climate Change: on challenges of communicating within and outside of the state on efforts to mitigate and manage climate change effects on historical resources

Jeremy Young | Project Manager, Disaster Planning for Historic Properties Initiative Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office
Protecting Life, Property, and Place: Integrating Hazard Mitigation and Historic Preservation Planning





Adaptive Reuse for Outdated Bureaucratic Silos, or The Importance of Showing Up

Cultural resource professionals bring place and people and the continuum of history to the disaster response and climate change discussions. History is not a luxury; being in a place where history matters is to see a physical representation of how to survive the ever-changing nature of the world. In New Hampshire, the Division of Historical Resources, as the State Historic Preservation Office, has been beringing a cultural resources perspective to conversations about climate change and disaster preparedness by insistently showing up Preservation is but one piece of a larger puzzle, and our increasing involvement in discussios spanning many state agencies has shown us how key working across our agencies, as well as outside them, will be to brining the state forward to a more resilient future. | Mary Kate Ryan

Protecting Life, Property, and Place: Integrating Hazard Mitigation and Historic Preservation Planning

Hazard mitigation planning has traditionally focused on taking actions to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to life and property from natural disasters. However, by integrating historic preservation considerations into the planning process and prioritizing important historic buildings for mitigation, local and state officials and hazard mitigation planners may help to ensure that communities’ historic built environment—and unique sense of place—are also protected from nature’s wrath and preserved for future generations. As part of its Disaster Planning for Historic Properties Initiative, the Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office is engaging in pilot projects in four counties through 2017 to develop a model framework for the integration of historic property content (inventories, vulnerability assessments, and mitigation actions) into the Commonwealth’s 67 FEMA-approved county hazard mitigation plans. In addition to an overview on the PA SHPO’s pilot integration project in the “Birthplace of the United States” (the city of Philadelphia), focused largely on identifying and sensitively mitigating that city’s high number of flood-prone historic buildings, there will also will be a discussion of the funding sources available and the local, state, and federal partnerships necessary to achieve this important work and the goal to make communities less reactive and more proactive in the face of disasters. | Jeremy Young